Planning a Test Prep for Juniors and Seniors


When to Test?
Since both the SAT and ACT cover math primarily from Pre-Algebra through Algebra 2, it's important for students to have completed part of Algebra 2 before taking their first test. Therefore, most juniors benefit from taking their first test in December or spring (February, March, or April) of their junior year. If you’ve already completed Algebra 2, taking the test sooner is definitely better!

When to Begin Preparation?
The summer before junior year is an excellent time to start studying. Maintaining consistency in studying until you complete testing is essential, so choose your timing carefully. I recommend starting at least six weeks before your first test and continuing your studying through future tests.

How Many Times Should You Test?
Generally, most students should plan on taking the test three times. However, starting earlier is important to allow time for retakes if needed or in case something goes wrong (like illness or test center closures).


If you are a senior, you hopefully have already begun preparing for the SAT or ACT and taken the test at least once. You may now be aiming to improve your score for a stretch school or a scholarship. Summer is the perfect time to invest in test preparation! Depending on when you want to submit your applications, you still have a few more chances to take the test. Make sure to register as soon as possible, as summer and fall testing dates are extremely popular.

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