Live, Online SAT and ACT "Crusher" Classes To Get Into Your Dream College And Win Boatloads of Scholarships

Convenient, focused, intensive instruction...GUARANTEED

See guarantee info, schedule and class details below!

Our Different Approach...Is it Right For You?

There are approximately 500,000 test prep options on the internet, so, naturally, you might be wondering, "What's so great about YOUR test prep classes?"

I wouldn't blame you for asking, because there's a lot riding on your decision...

...even in today's so-called "Test Optional" environment!

Higher scores mean greater odds of getting into your life-changing, Dream College...
...and can make or break your chances of getting thousands - even tens of thousands - in scholarships!

Yes, test scores matter, still.  Admissions officers at Ivy and all competitive colleges prefer to see them, and your kids' competitors are taking them...

...and colleges STILL use scores to award merit scholarships!

The SAT and ACT not "optional." 

SAT Prep Courses

Here's the schedule of live SAT prep classes. Recordings available. **Scroll down for ACT prep**

SAT May 2025


*Preparation for May 3 SAT*

Tuesdays & Thursdays

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time

(5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time)

Tue, Mar 25th

Thu, Mar 27th

Tue, Apr 1st

Thu, Apr 3rd

Tue, Apr 8th

Thu, Apr 10th

Tue, Apr 15th 

Thu, Apr 17th 

Tue, Apr 22nd

Thu, Apr 24th

Tue, Apr 29th

Thu, May 1st


SAT June 2025


*Preparation for June 7 SAT*

Tuesdays & Thursdays

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time

(5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time)

Tue, May 6th

Thu, May 8th

Tue, May 13th

Thu, May 15th

Tue, May 20th

Thu, May 22nd

Tue, May 27th

Thu, May 29th

Tue, June 3rd

Thu, June 5th


SAT August/September 2025


*Preparation for June 23 & September 13 SAT*

Tuesdays & Thursdays

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time

(5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time)

Tue, July 15

Thu, July 17

Tue, July 22

Thu, July 24

Tue, July 29

Thu, July 31

Tue, August 5

Thu, August 7

Tue, August 12

Thu, August 14

Tue, August 19

Thu, August 21

Wed, September 3 *bonus review for the September SAT

Wed, September 10 *bonus review for the September SAT


ACT Prep Courses

Here's the schedule of live ACT prep classes. Recordings available.

ACT June 2025


*Preparation for June 14 ACT*

Tuesdays & Thursdays

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time

(4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time)


Tue, May 6th

Thu, May 8th

Tue, May 13th

Thu, May 15th

Tue, May 20th

Thu, May 22nd

Tue, May 27th

Thu, May 29th

Tue, June 3rd

Thu, June 5th

Tue, June 10th *no class

Wed, June 11th make up class

Thu, June 12th


ACT September 2025


*Preparation for September 13 ACT*

Tuesdays & Thursdays

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time

(4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time)

**these are projected dates and subject to change based on the final ACT schedule**


Tue, Aug 5th

Thu, Aug 7th

Tue, Aug 12th

Thu, Aug 14th

Tue, Aug 19th

Thu, Aug 21st

Tue, Aug 26th

Thu, Aug 28th

Tue, Sep 2nd

Thu, Sep 4th

Tue, Sep 9th

Thu, Sep 11th


ACT October 2025


*Preparation for October 25 ACT*

Tuesdays & Thursdays

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time

(4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time)

**these are projected dates and subject to change based on the final ACT schedule**


Tue, Sep 16th

Thu, Sep 18th

Tue, Sep 23rd

Thu, Sep 25th

Tue, Sep 30th

Thu, Oct 2nd

Tue, Oct 7th

Thu, Oct 9th

Tue, Oct 14th

Thu, Oct 16th

Tue, Oct 21st

Thu, Oct 23rd



SAT Crusher Curriulum

Here is a brief overview of what's covered:

SAT Reading Strategy


  • How to approach the reading section efficiently, without getting bogged down or falling for common traps, so you don't waste time!
  • How to quickly and easily identify right answer wording and immediately spot wrong answers
  • How to simplify difficult "main idea questions" quickly & without stress
  • How to successfully deal with vocabulary you don’t know
  • Deceptive graph questions demystified -- they are harder than they appear!
  • Strategies for students who run out of time


SAT Grammar Review + Strategy (Writing & Language Section)


  • Everything you need to know about SAT grammar rules but NEVER learned in school
  • The stress-free way to successfully tackle grammar questions without wasting time and effort
  • The easiest way to answer "command of evidence" (main idea) questions
  • Tips for conquering the hardest  -- expression of ideas -- questions


SAT Math Review + Strategy


  • Review of basic, SAT need-to-know math rules and formulas
  • How to overcome the hardest, trickiest questions
  • Common mistakes students make and how to avoid them
  • How to take the test "out of order" to max out your score
  • Slow test taker?  Run out of time?  Strategies for students who have trouble finishing on time


SAT Test Review

Students take practice tests at home so that they can come to this class with all questions they would like answered.

Questions may be submitted ahead of time, or asked during the course of the class.

ACT Crusher Curriculum

Here's a brief overview and how we help students CRUSH the test!

ACT Reading Strategy


  • How to conquer the reading section in as little time and stress as possible!
  • How to immediately identify wrong answer traps...and right answer wording
  • Dealing with difficult "main idea" questions quickly & accurately
  • How to successfully cope with vocabulary words you don’t know
  • Strategies for students who run out of time 


ACT Grammar Review + Strategy (English Section)


  • Everything you need to know about ACT grammar rules but didn’t learn in school
  • How to tackle grammar questions without wasting time and effort
  • How to discover the "main idea" quickly
  • How to order paragraphs & sentences
  • Dealing with transition word questions
  • How to figure out if information should be deleted


ACT Math Review + Strategy


  • Review of basic need-to-know math rules and formulas
  • Easier-to-remember alternatives to common formulas
  • Strategies for tackling the math section & tips for dealing with the hardest questions
  • Common score-killing mistakes students make and how to avoid them
  • Strategies for students who run out of time


ACT Science Strategy


  • How to manage your time on (one of the hardest sections)
  • Ordering passages and questions
  • Seamless technique for approaching conflicting viewpoints passages
  • The easiest way to master this section, even if you're a "Science Kid"


ACT Test Review

Students take a practice test at home and come to this class with questions.  Questions may be submitted ahead of time or asked during class. 

"I just received my ACT back and my score increased from a 24 to a 28. My parents and I are thrilled! Please pass my thanks along to Marissa she was a huge help!"

Luke Verdon
Northport, New York

"My son found Marissa to be an amazing teacher who explained math concepts well, taught him grammar in a way he was able to remember and showed him strategies to significantly help his reading comprehension. Marissa is kind, smart and patient and made my son feel confident and comfortable going into the SAT. On his first attempt at the SAT we saw a big score increase and we owe that to Marissa! I highly recommend Marissa and Lockwood College Consulting!"

Cindy Samide
Syosset, New York

"I want to thank you for starting your tutoring service. Marissa has shown my son how to understand the English, Math and Science sections and he has shown tremendous improvement on all parts of the ACT that he feels confident that he will score much higher than his last test, which he took without any tutoring. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Peter went from a 24 to a 31! And got into his top choice college :)]"

Barbara Rowan

"Hi Marissa, Katie and I wanted to be sure to thank you for all your efforts on her behalf. The scores came in this morning and she got a 32, up from a 30! She earned a 35 in both english and reading, up 3 and 2 points respectively, a 30 on the math, up 3 points, and a 29 on the science which stayed the same. She went off to school with a big smile on her face. Hopefully these couple of points will give her a leg up in the application process. Thanks again! Dawn"

Dawn Crawford
Seaford, NY

First Class Guarantee

Because we're so confident that you'll love our classes, we are putting our money where our mouth is with this simple, no fine print, no weasel clause guarantee:

Take the first class. If you decide, for any reason - even no reason at all - that our instruction isn't for you, just tell us that day and we'll promptly and cheerfully refund 100% of your tuition.  No hassles, no hard feelings, and we can still be friends.

The Lockwood Difference

So let me lay it out on the table why you should feel confident when you say "Yes" to our classes. Here is a short list of factors that differentiate us from the rest of the test prep world:

  • Experienced, Full-Time Instructor.  This is a full-time gig for Marissa, she eats, drinks and breathes test prep.  Other companies plug their part-timers into their "systems" before they move on to grad school or wherever they're headed. Marissa worked for one of those other companies, ask her to tell you her war stories some time! 
  • We use REAL ACT & SAT exams, not "Fakies" that other companies use, sometimes to demonstrate how much you need their instruction (the 98 lesson package!). This means that you are better prepared for the actual tests, and that you are maximizing your efficiency by prepping with legitimate materials.
  • REAL scores. Other test prep companies are notorious for "rigging" your initial diagnostic tests, which are WAYYYYY harder than actual tests.  Then, presto!  They show you an amazing score improvement when you take a real test!
  • Time management.  We teach you how to stay on pace and blow through the time-wasting problems, so you can score your absolute best.
  • Small classes.  We keep our classes small so that each student receives personalized, tutoring-style attention, but at group rates!
  • Psychology. Get into the minds of the test question authors, so you understand where they're trying to "getcha"  - so you can avoid score-killing traps they're hoping you fall for!
  • Psychology Part II. Your brain! We'll teach you how to say "Goodbye and good riddance!" to panic and anxiety, one of the biggest causes of low scores!
  • Efficiency.  Marissa teaches EXACTLY what you need to maximize your scores in the shortest amount of time, no more, no less. We want you to stay with us for the PRECISE amount of time and instruction that you need, not a minute longer! (We don't recommend the "3 Year Plan" to our clients.)
  • Different approach than a high school teacher.  Test prep is not a high school course or AP exam.  Marissa teaches strategies to score your absolute best on the tests, not regurgitate information in a high school academic course.  She doesn't waste time on gimmicks or catchphrases to "game" the tests, either.
  • Relaxed.  Our tutoring center is down by the water, which doesn't really matter if you're participating from another state or country.  But we do try to keep the unpleasant, weird rite of passage known as standardized testing as enjoyable and low key as possible, which means your child will do better on his/her tests.  The more relaxed they are, the better they'll perform!
  • Bigger picture approach. Test prep is one, important piece of the college planning puzzle, but we look at this process being about more - the 40+ years of your child's life, not the four years of college.  We can help create a balanced and realistic  college list, applications and essays, financial aid and scholarships, and selecting a major that is both satisfying AND your kid can get off mom and dad's payroll sometime (wouldn't that be nice!)


Wondering which class to sign up for?
Or do you have any questions about content, strategies taught, scheduling, you name it - email [email protected] or book a FREE Test Prep Strategy Session with our Master Instructor, Marissa, today!



Lockwood Test Prep| 30 Glen Head Road Lower Level West | Glen Head | New York | 11545 | 516.882.5464


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