Some Students Are Making a Mistake in Choosing the SAT

As summer ends, many students are beginning their standardized test preparation, choosing between the SAT and ACT. Since the SAT went digital, I've noticed a surge in students opting for it—many without even taking diagnostic tests. This is a significant mistake for many.

Diagnostic Testing Matters

Choosing the right test is crucial for successful preparation. While the SAT and ACT share similarities, students often perform better on one due to differences in format, pacing, and content.

Diagnostic Testing is Quick and Valuable

Investing a few hours in diagnostic testing (less than 3 hours for a combo test or about 5 hours for separate full-length tests) can provide essential insights into which test suits you best.

Choosing the Wrong Test is Costly

This year, I've seen a record number of students switch from the SAT to the ACT after realizing the SAT wasn’t right for them. Starting with the wrong test wastes time, money, and effort.

The ACT's Advantage

Currently, the College Board offers limited official practice tests for the SAT, and the scoring can be unreliable. In contrast, the ACT has a wealth of retired tests with accurate scores, giving ACT takers a significant edge in preparation.

The SAT Could Still Be Right for You

I'm not suggesting everyone should switch to the ACT. The SAT may still be the better option for some students. The key is to determine which test aligns with your strengths before diving into test prep.

For those who need help choosing which test is best, check out our SAT/ACT combination diagnostic:

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