Every year since it’s been in existence, the August SAT date fills up extremely quickly in many areas. It’s important to act quickly to secure a spot (October may fill up quickly as well).
Why does it fill up so quickly?
I assume the reason is the scarcity of testing centers. I suspect schools do not want to open their doors in August, before school officially begins in many areas.
When does registration open up?
The College Board does not tell us, and it’s not an easily predictable date. Last year was the earliest so far, in mid-May.
What can I do to secure my spot?
I recommend frequently checking the registration page, beginning now (at least once per day). Make sure your details are already filled out in your account, so you don’t take too long during registration (and risk losing your spot). You can skip all of the optional questions asking about academic history. Here is the registration page: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/dates-deadlines
Once you see the yellow “register” button pop up next to the August date, you’ll be able to register! Make sure you search in a 100 mile radius; if you cannot find a center within that radius, try searching for more distant testing centers using zip codes from cities outside a 100 mile radius.
If you secure a spot for August or October, you may want to then check out our class schedule.
Online classes: https://www.lockwoodtestprep.com/online
In person classes: https://www.lockwoodtestprep.com/crash
Good luck!
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