Fall testing for Seniors

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2022

Many parents want to know whether their seniors still have a shot at the SAT or ACT – and the answer is yes!  How many shots depends on your students’ application plans.


Early Decision/Early Action

If you are applying for regular decision or early action, the October SAT is likely your last opportunity!  (Bear in mind that school policies vary, and some schools may accept a November SAT score for early decision/early action).  Some schools may also accept an October ACT for early decision/early action (check with your schools to see if they will accept an October ACT score).


Regular Decision

For regular decision students, you have a few more chances.  The October, November, and December SAT dates are opportunities to retake the test ahead of January deadlines, along with the October and December ACT dates.


Deadlines & Score Release Dates

October 1 SAT   Regular registration deadline is 9/2, late registration deadline is 9/20, and scores release on 10/14

November 5  SAT  Regular registration deadline is 10/7, late registration deadline is 10/25, and scores release on 11/18

December 3 SAT  Regular registration deadline is 11/3, late registration deadline is 11/22, and scores release on 12/16


October 22 ACT  Regular registration deadline is 9/16, late registration deadline is 9/30, and score release begins on 11/1*

December 10 ACT  Regular registration deadline is 11/4, late registration deadline is 11/11, and score release begins on 12/20*

*the ACT releases scores over a range of days, but most students receive their scores near the beginning of the range.

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